Wednesday, January 12, 2011



Gday mate, how you going?

Beginning of week four—feels like we have been here heaps longer. Time is moving fast and days are flying by. Quite the adventure it has turned out to be... Last week I was working for accommodation, serving breakfast at the hostel bar 7am-10am, scurrying off to any given suburb of Sydney – from Blacktown to Paramatta – to work from 11am-5pm getting charity donations on the street. I knew this was a working holiday but did not realize how much emphasis would be on the working part!

Anyhow, we got off to a work-picnic at Coogee beach on Sunday with all the hostel mates who work here. We played football, a.k.a. soccer, and some cricket, followed by a massive BBQ (which included sausage, meatballs, wings, salad, and more). Not to mention that on the graffiti-painted bus we rode to the beach, they loaded on nearly 10 crates of beer, a.k.a. 24s, mainly Haghn Super Dry and Busweiser, plus a few of cider. The cider here is much different than the cider-beer we have back home, it is much more like sparkling wine, but made with apples instead of grapes, and contains no grain. The standard back home is don't mix your beer and liquor, here they say don't mix your grain and fruit.

Our Christmas plans are starting to come together, but we expect the home-sickness to kick-in anytime now. We will really miss seeing our friends, but more so our families over the holidays—especially for the 12-drinks of christmas, and tips-eve... And don't even get me started on having a green Christmas; not only is it green, but the malls don't play Christmas music, and I am hard-pressed to find any decorations in the windows. Usually I am the biggest scrooge around Christmas because we over-do-it so much in US and Canada, but here I am starved of the sensory experience I am usually bombarded with.

Well, Dr. Oz signing off, warm wishes from Aussieland this holiday season!

Peace and love,

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